Friends is my all time favorite TV series, I grew up with it, still remember went home at 4pm waiting to watch the new episodes..
Can't remember how many times have I watched it (probably 10-15 times), but I just can't get enough of Friends. Even though some of the main characters went on to play some other roles in movies, but they will always be remembered as Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joey to me....
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capodad 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
- 回家路上看到一家檳榔店, "健康檳榔專賣"...嗯...健康的檳榔..........(大誤)
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義大利麵一直以來都是其中一種無法抗拒的美食. 可是之前吃到幾家很不滿意的餐廳後, 刺激了我想找一家好吃餐廳的念頭. 與結拜討論後, 找到了一家叫做 "義磚義瓦". 看了網站介紹, 就十分的吸引我們.
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"不是路已走到盡頭, 而是該轉彎了"
今天讀到一篇文章, 讓我想了很多.
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今年的生日禮物, 由我最愛的honey訂購, 親愛的結拜轉交.
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得到一個知心的朋友, 是一種幸福.
得到一個知心的另一半, 是超越幸福的快樂.
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今天接到honey的來電, 叮嚀我去拿書, 雖然只是小事, 可是聽到honey的聲音讓我很開心. 那種令人振奮的感覺真的無法形容.
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開了一個禮拜的Wish, 很驚訝的發現, 里程數遠遠小於Yaris.
每當開著Yaris, 都被他驚人的里程數嚇到, 油箱小於Wish, 卻可以多開200km?!
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